Core Values & Guiding Principles
These values speak to what I prioritize, how I work, and what I feel is important to communicate in my work. They articulate a way of understanding my work as a bodyworker and educator.
Establishing Voice & Choice
Each person deserves to feel empowered to protect and advocate for themselves - to identify and act in accordance with their own fears, desires, and boundaries. In service to this we will explore relational activities, exercises, and intention setting in service to deepening capacity regarding embodied choice and voice.
Expanding Embodiment
Embodiment is a central component of healing. This means feeling a wide array of sensations + emotions and being able to sit with them or express them. We’ll brainstorm and discuss what you find pleasurable that you could do as a practice to expand feeling, moving, expressing, and resilience building in your life. We’ll also explore simple movement tools and grounding practices to use during moments of overwhelm, anxiety, or depression.
Healing Through the Body
If wanted, pleasure-based and client-guided touch has great healing potential chemically, biologically, and relationally. I am happy to discuss what kind of touch might be desired in session work. Further, for those wishing to turn towards trauma and emotions stored in the body, doing so by exploring different forms of touch, expressive work, or talk offers an opportunity to connect with internal experiences and a deeper sense of self.
Exploring Mutually Respectful Connection
We will explore what it feels like to experience wanted connection - to be able to attend to your own needs, desires, and pleasures by communicating and negotiating with another person. To identify and practice reaching towards what is desired within a learning container.
Embodying Wellness & Pleasure
What are your practices of just being you? What expands your experiences of satisfaction and resiliency? What people, places, or things would support you in living more joyfully and authentically? We will explore your internal wisdom as it pertains to weaving pleasure throughout life.