Organic Herbal Scar Remedy Cream & Lubricant 60ml
Infused with a selection of wound healing and skin restoring herbs including comfrey, helichrysum, calendula, and chamomile, plus castor oil (a very powerful scar healing ingredient - more on this below!) this potent healing cream has been designed to offer deep relief to folks who are struggling with the effects of scarring. This cream is designed to restore range of mobility challenges at the scarring site, improve sensation and nerve responsiveness, restore skin structure, plus fade scarring lines. It has also been designed to increase blood and lymph flow plus restore proper functioning of the fascial structure beneath the skin.
Directly massage this cream on any sites of scarring once fully healed (minimum 6 weeks from time of injury/surgery), or anywhere you’re noticing scarring-related restricted movement. It can also be used internally as a lubricant (provided you’re not using safer sex barriers like condoms) or directly on genitals - great for folks who have been circumcised that are seeking greater genital sensitivity, or folks living with pain or numbing from genital surgeries, vaginismus, vulvar pain, childbirth, and more.
Infused with a selection of wound healing and skin restoring herbs including comfrey, helichrysum, calendula, and chamomile, plus castor oil (a very powerful scar healing ingredient - more on this below!) this potent healing cream has been designed to offer deep relief to folks who are struggling with the effects of scarring. This cream is designed to restore range of mobility challenges at the scarring site, improve sensation and nerve responsiveness, restore skin structure, plus fade scarring lines. It has also been designed to increase blood and lymph flow plus restore proper functioning of the fascial structure beneath the skin.
Directly massage this cream on any sites of scarring once fully healed (minimum 6 weeks from time of injury/surgery), or anywhere you’re noticing scarring-related restricted movement. It can also be used internally as a lubricant (provided you’re not using safer sex barriers like condoms) or directly on genitals - great for folks who have been circumcised that are seeking greater genital sensitivity, or folks living with pain or numbing from genital surgeries, vaginismus, vulvar pain, childbirth, and more.
Infused with a selection of wound healing and skin restoring herbs including comfrey, helichrysum, calendula, and chamomile, plus castor oil (a very powerful scar healing ingredient - more on this below!) this potent healing cream has been designed to offer deep relief to folks who are struggling with the effects of scarring. This cream is designed to restore range of mobility challenges at the scarring site, improve sensation and nerve responsiveness, restore skin structure, plus fade scarring lines. It has also been designed to increase blood and lymph flow plus restore proper functioning of the fascial structure beneath the skin.
Directly massage this cream on any sites of scarring once fully healed (minimum 6 weeks from time of injury/surgery), or anywhere you’re noticing scarring-related restricted movement. It can also be used internally as a lubricant (provided you’re not using safer sex barriers like condoms) or directly on genitals - great for folks who have been circumcised that are seeking greater genital sensitivity, or folks living with pain or numbing from genital surgeries, vaginismus, vulvar pain, childbirth, and more.
Scars are an important part of life - storytellers of who we are and where we have been. Yet, often there are repercussions to scarring - whether in the form of numbness, pain, or restrictions in mobility, circulation, and body function. This can block us from enjoying life as fully as we like - moving, feeling, and living as we wish to. However, this doesn’t have to be the case! It is certainly possible to re-invite pleasure, sensation, and movement to the body!
When we experience surgeries and injuries not only does this potentially impact our organs, muscles, and other body systems, but our fascial system is also always compromised from the impacts of scarring. Our fascial system is an important whole-body system - it connects every cell in the human body, and communicates at the speed of light. When the fascia is damaged, it responds by building up collagen-based deposits at the scarring site (usually felt as thick and unyielding skin or deposits), and erecting 'scaffolding' throughout the body to help support this now weakened site of injury. This is a brilliant system, however, it can also result in challenged mobility, blood flow, and lymph flow that extends far beyond the point of injury and can have wide ranging negative impacts. These challenges can certainly be relieved through topical creams oils and salves plus specialized remediation and massage techniques that can break up collagenous adhesions and fascial restrictions.
Castor oil in particular is a potent tool in any person's scar-healing journey. Castor oil softens up scar tissue quickly, and breaks up collagenous adhesions and bonds faster than other oils. It has properties such as rinolic acid that aid the body in actively reducing inflammation, plus it appears to mobilize lymphocytes which help reduce inflammation in the body.
One key to effective scar tissue recovery is ensuring that castor oil is left on the surface of the skin for long enough to penetrate into the interstitial tissue - allowing a deeper process of recovery and healing. This can be done by messy and time consuming castor oil packs, however, I’ve found the greatest success has been found in using topical serums and creams that can be massaged into the affected site and left to deeply absorb into the skin.
My journey to offering topical scar treatments began in 2012 when I received a double mastectomy. I developed an aftercare balm for my recovery - and it was one of the best decisions I ever made! My scars healed beautifully, and I retained a great deal of sensation. In fact, I felt *more* sensation in my chest after my surgery than before!
Since then I’ve evolved my work with courses, mentorship, and recipe development, giving gifts of different balms, salves, creams, and serums to friends and community members recovering from surgery, or who were struggling with numbness, pain and restricted movement from scarring.
I also currently work as a Certified Somatic Sex Educator and Sexologic Bodyworker - I offer trauma-informed education, counselling, and bodywork services to folks seeking to recover from pelvic pain and numbness, address common sexual concerns, deepen their relationship with their gender and body, as well as cultivate greater pleasure and eroticism in their lives. Which quite often includes scar tissue remediation!
I believe scar tissue remediation is an important part of holistic care work - often I encounter scarring in my field that is due to circumcisions, cesarians, vaginismus, gender transitions or affirming surgeries, cancer recovery, vaginal births, traumatic experiences, or other injuries and surgeries that end up fundamentally affecting our ability to feel good and access pleasure in our bodies. The remediation work I offer takes a variety of forms - including in-person massage, online education and coaching about self massage, as well as offering topical treatments for scar recovery. Like this cream!
If you have any questions about this cream or any of my other products, please don't hesitate to get in touch!