My Journey With Erotic Ritual.
Erotic rituals have transformed my life, and I have seen the sacred cauldron of erotic ritual transform the lives of so many others.
I began studying and working in the realm of the erotic in 2006. I loved the work I was doing, and I was good at it. I worked as a sex educator supporting folks as they learnt about how to have better sex. It was very rewarding work. I worked with people from all sorts of different life experiences, and, it was a real joy learning about the sex they were having and how to best support them in having more of the sex they longed for.
One day I met someone who offered erotic rituals, and, it piqued my interest. I decided to not think about it too much and dove into a session. And, that session was the beginning of profound spiritual and sensual embodied change for me. While in that session I was guided in how to be with my body and pleasure, and how to express my erotic energy. I felt deeply held as the complex erotic being I was. I felt my body ignite.
I couldn’t go back after that. I wanted more. This led me into a beautiful chapter of travel and adventure, where I sought out and learnt from erotic ritualists, masseuses, tantrikas, dominants, sex workers - travelling the globe in my quest. I wanted to immerse my soul in the magic that I was experiencing. I wanted to understand the science behind it. The transformative neuroscience, biology, chemistry, and spirituality of trauma recovery, sexual healing, tantra, and erotic ritual work enraptured me. This was a new realm - one of communing with the pleasures of my body and wider world in a deeply intimate way. It was a soul awakening experience.
After such a transformative journey along the winding path of reclaiming my erotic joy, it only made sense that I would become a sacred intimate - a bringer of erotic joy - for others. I have offered erotic rituals across Canada and Europe, plus to journeyers from Spain, Brazil, Lebanon, Romania, South Africa, Iran, the USA, and many more beautiful places on this planet. I have savoured every single opportunity to drop into transformative exploration with others. I treasure being an erotic ritualist and guide for those who are wishing to deepen into the erotic and immerse themselves in the pleasurable delights of ecstasy. I treasure being an educator for those who wish to practice expanding their pleasure using the sacred gifts of breath, sound, movement, touch, and imagination. And a companion for those who wish to be exquisitely held and cared for as they tend to their erotic wounds and fall back in love with life.
Connecting with bliss is a journey. Listening to our erotic souls is a skill. Communing with the Divine is a process. It’s rare to be taught these practices, yet make no mistake - they are learnable. Having travelled the path of manifesting a deeply erotic life, I delight in being in service to you and your manifestation journey.
That is why I am here.