Why Explore Healing Erotic Bodywork?
Living in this sex negative culture, we have all experienced some form of sexual trauma. We’ve been circumcised, diapered, spanked, shamed for exploring our genitals, taught to conceal our sexual urges. We’ve been programmed into narrow gendered personas that aren’t who we authentically are, and bullied when we don’t adhere to that programming. We’ve experienced unwanted sexual advancements, abuses, and assaults. We’ve experienced sexual stereotyping and violence based on our race, gender, ability, age, class. We’ve been denied access to money, housing, food, love, respect, and care if we are not compliant with the sexual expectations made of us, or, if we are deemed sexually undesirable.
While sex therapy and sex coaching exist, the magic of exploring trauma healing in organic containers that include the potential for chosen and client led erotic touch and play is that these containers include the *whole* body. The *erotic* body. The exact parts of ourselves that have been the sites of battles and wounding.
This welcoming and holding of the whole self is a sacred and deeply healing experience that cultivates lasting change. Further, it is needed. It is critical to explore trauma at it’s source - the body. We will never think or talk our way out of trauma. Trauma lives in the body, and we must meet it in the body.